How To Use InsertDatabase In D365

In this article, learn how to use insertDatabase in D365 to insert multiple records into a table faster than calling the insert method on each record. There are several different ways to insert data into tables in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O. The most common is to call the insert method on the table buffer. However,... Continue Reading →

How To Use Insert_RecordSet In D365

In this article, learn how to use insert_recordset in D365. The insert_recordset keyword in x++ is used when you need to copy multiple records from existing tables to a destination table. It is extremely fast, because it generates a single SQL statement that is sent to the server one time. In contrast, developers sometimes write... Continue Reading →

How To Write A D365 Find Method

One of the most common tasks when writing code in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, is to retrieve a record from the database. Once you have the record, you can read, update, or delete it. In this article I will show you how to write a D365 find method. A 'Find' method makes... Continue Reading →

D365 Joins in X++

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is a relationship database. This means there are many tables that contain data that relates to each other. D365 joins combine rows from two or more tables together, based on related columns. Developers use D365 joins in x++ select statements to read and update the data they are... Continue Reading →

How To Write A While Select Statement

Any ERP system needs to process data. An x++ 'while select statement' allows developers to loop through specific records with ease. Then take action on those records. The x++ language in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations combines the best of both SQL like language and object oriented programming. First, developers can efficiently tell... Continue Reading →

How To Write An X++ Select Statement

One of the coolest parts of the x++ language is using a select statement. A select statement allows developers to fetch and manipulate data from a database. The data is loaded into table variables. Finally, these table variables can have methods where code be added to work with the data. This allows developers to focus... Continue Reading →

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